Frequently Asked Questions
Parent Observation / Visits
We recognise observation as an integral part of the enrolment process at Trillium Montessori and all parents/ whānau are invited to visit and observe our classrooms prior to enrolling tamariki /children. Please call Sheroma on 03 344 6355 or on 0273523596 to make an appointment which will provide us with time to discuss your individual needs.
20 Hours ECE
At Trillium we offer / incorporate the government subsidised 20 hours ECE when your child / children turn 3 years. However, this is limited to only six hours per day and 20 hours per week. You will be completing a “20 hours ECE Attestation Form” to confirm the number of hours your child will attend Trillium Montessori.
Work and Income Subsidy – WINZ
An income tested subsidy may be available to you by Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) depending based on your family circumstances. To find out if you are eligible for a subsidy, please contact WINZ for information.
Hours of Operation
Our school operation hours are 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m – Monday to Friday. Hours for each child may vary depending on the parent’s and children’s needs. However, we require children over 2 ½ years of age to be in school for minimum of 6 hours per day to enable us to deliver the curriculum and achieve great learning outcomes for your children.
You are required to list any allergies or dietary requirements of your child at enrolment. Please keeps us up to date of any evolving allergies or special needs so that we can accommodate these needs to ensure best health and safety outcomes for your child. We have a “NUT FREE POLICY” in our school therefore please ensure all food including treats are NUT FREE.
We invoice fortnightly in advance by email. Please update any changes to your email address promptly. The method of payment is direct debit to our bank account provided on our Invoices. We are completely dependent on fees and Ministry of Education funding as our main sources of income hence payment of your invoice in timely manner is anticipated.
Agreement Form (94 KB)
Children need healthy, wholesome foods
Healthy Nutrition for Growing Children
The three week rotating menu is planned according to the Food Guide and recommendations from our local Public Health Unit. All food is cooked with consideration of maintaining its full nutritional value. The centre provides a morning and afternoon snack and a midday lunch. Our standards exceed the following guidelines:



Understanding children’s behavior
Behavior Guidance
Positive and consistent techniques should be used to encourage children whose play actions are both appropriate and inappropriate.
Preferred Practices
Positive verbal and gestural reinforcement for appropriate behaviour, redirection of inappropriate behaviour
One verbal request (ensuring understanding) followed by gentle physical assistance
Teaching and practicing of preferred behaviours in order to help children habituate skills and learn self discipline
Offering children age appropriate choices and assisting them to follow through
Prohibited Practices
Corporal punishments of any child (spanking, hitting, shaking, etc.)
Deliberate harsh or degrading measures that would humiliate a child or undermine a child's self respect (threatening, verbal abuse, yelling, etc.)
Deprivation of basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, bedding etc)
Confining in a locked room
Locking the exits of the Child Care Centre for the purpose of confining